15 December 2016

"numbers, not counting"

"numbers, not counting" / 2016 / is a digital drawing in 12 frames. 


each frame, in this version, is 8.5"x11"

12 September 2016

0 - lots

O Lots (Un Foreign)
a re-book: pages from a stamp auction catalog, drawn on with ink and re-bound.
10.75” x 8.5” 20 pages

 exhibited at ABF at PS1, NYC via The Center for Book Arts. 2016

05 June 2016


digital drawings / prints 


( tide /sky )





30 May 2016

ADDS, a visual book

Writing and drawing use similar gestures to create visual fields for the eye to see and the mind to read. Make a mark and add another: this is a basic procedure and I use it here with different colored markers.  Seeing precedes reading. Systems and games come about through patterns and repetitions, which introduces rules. Broken rules are not the same as spontaneity - but is this always apparent?

available at Amazon ($25): http://tinyurl.com/hjjtvhv


02 January 2016

at the end of 2015 ...

...digital collages, 13"x13"and 19"x19". an untitled series.

There were so many gray days at the end of the year I escaped into color again.


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